It's been a long time since I actually listed items in my Ebay Shop. Work is literally taking over my life and with Christmas, birthdays and social gatherings galore I haven't been able to list a single thing. Silly really since my shop was the reason I started to blog in the first place! On the plus side there is definitely no need for a trip to the wholesalers, I have endless bags crammed with items that are desperate for a new home.
So this is the weekend I stop being so lazy and actually list new items, here is a sneak peak of a couple of items I have already taken pictures for. Expect to see a lot of midi dresses, pastels, oversized shirts, polka dots and bright collared shirts. Sorry the pictures are rubbish this time round, I am desperately trying to find a new model for the next lot, my friends are all being camera shy so I have no choice but to take the pictures on Betty (Yes I have named my dressmakers doll...don't ask). I am looking at starting to selling on Asos Marketplace as soon as I find a model so watch this space!